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Žiburio odontologijos klinika, UAB

Žiburio g. 4, 63235 Alytus
(+370) 31571968
11 years of activity
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(+370) 31571968
Lina Virbickienė
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Date of registration
5 employees (insured)
Average wage
863,60 € (2025 February) more information




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Laidente, UAB
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 (+370) 62062971

Surrounding companies | Show on map

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Inrevila, odontologijos kabinetas, UAB
26.8 km | Vytauto g. 14, Prienai
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40.1 km | M. K. Čiurlionio g. 59-2, Varėna
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Didonta, MB
41.3 km | Merkinės g. 13-72, Druskininkai
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