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Albodent, UAB

Kalvarijų g. 2A-2 (Šnipiškės), 09309 Vilnius
(+370) 69090555
Atsidarys 8.00
12 years of activity
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(+370) 69090555
Justinas Gaidys
Company code
Date of registration
20 employees (insured)
Average wage
2 749,97 € (2025 January) more information

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Labai patiko, ištino žandas, priėmė iškarto, labai bijojau duoti prisiliesti, bet sakė, kad nieko neskaudės ir taip padarė. Labai ačiū!
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Viskas puiku! Labai patinka man ši klinika! Profesionalūs gydytojai. Rekomenduoju visiems gydytis dantukus tik čia!
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Laidente, UAB
Lino g. 1, 74133 Jurbarkas
 (+370) 62062971

Surrounding companies | Show on map

About smile, UAB
0.7 km | Vasario 16-osios g. 16 (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
dentists in Vilnius dentist in Vilnius tooth removal dental prosthetics in Vilnius gum treatment periodontology/periodontics dental prosthetics in Vilnius laminates aesthetic filling in Vilnius endodontics dental radiography stone removal plaque removal dental crowns dentist's consultancy teeth straightening in Vilnius...
INJA odontologijos klinika
0.9 km | Pamėnkalnio g. 36-2 (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
implantation prosthetics dental implantation aesthetic filling teeth whitening implantation prosthetic dentistry implants dental clinic in Vilnius periodontal treatment oral hygiene dentistry teeth straightening tooth removal implants orthodontic treatment...
32:Balti, odontologijos klinika
0.9 km | Olimpiečių g. 3E-104, Vilnius
orthodontic treatment dentistry dental implantation implantation services dentists dentistry consultation odontological treatment/dental treatment prosthetic dentistry oral hygiene teeth whitening implantation emergency dental care dentists odontologist dentists in Vilnius...
Karlo odontologijos klinika, UAB "Kupadenta"
1.6 km | Vokiečių g. 10-16 (Senamiestis), Vilnius
dentists dental clinic dental clinic in Vilnius dental implantation tooth removal bone accretion periodontology/periodontics prosthetic dentistry laminates aesthetic filling endodontic retreatment oral hygiene dentistry endodontics dental radiography stone removal...
Atenta, UAB
1.9 km | Mindaugo g. 20-1 (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
dentists dentists in Vilnius dentistry prosthetic dentistry dentures dentist dental doctors oral hygiene dentists dentistry dental office prosthetic dentistry surgical dental treatment tooth extraction support...
Kęstučio odontologijos klinika, UAB "Dentiva"
1.9 km | Kęstučio g. 47/18 (Žvėrynas), Vilnius
orthopaedic odontology endodontics periodontology/periodontics children's dentistry aesthetic filling therapeutic dentistry prosthetics professional oral hygiene teeth whitening
Ryklio dantis, UAB
2.1 km | Mindaugo g. 23A (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
prosthetic dentistry dentistry teeth repair teeth whitening aesthetic filling dental prosthetics on hire purchase tooth extraction endodontist oral hygiene surgical odontology prosthetics dentists dentist dentists dentist dental clinics...
Laidente, UAB
2.2 km | M. K. Čiurlionio g. 84B-61, Vilnius
dentures prosthetics implantation metal ceramic metal-free ceramics plates professional oral hygiene teeth whitening pads dentistry private clinics oral surgeon oral hygiene surgical odontology bridges metal ceramic...
Vingio odontologijos klinika
2.4 km | Kauno g. 22, 101(1a.) (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
dentists dental clinic dentistry dental implantology implantation dental implants dental implantation sinus lift bone augmentation bone accretion oral surgeon dentist in Vilnius periodontology/periodontics tooth extraction in Vilnius wisdom teeth removal prosthetics...
Dantų aibė, UAB
3 km | Ukmergės g. 198 (Šeškinė), Vilnius
dentists dentistry prosthetic dentistry teeth whitening production of dental prostheses dental implantation dental implants dental implantation dental implantation dental bridges prostheses prosthetics dentures prosthetic dentistry removable dentures metal ceramic...
Sosdenta, UAB
3.2 km | Kareivių g. 19-184 (Žirmūnai), Vilnius
prosthetic dentistry dental implantation dentistry production of dental prostheses aesthetic filling aesthetic filling teeth whitening filling implants implantation prostheses cast crowns zirconia crowns dental whitening with caps professional oral hygiene tooth extraction...
Videnta, filialas, UAB
4 km | Viršuliškių g. 57 (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
dentists dentistry dentists dentistry dental office dentistry prosthetic dentistry surgical dental treatment teeth whitening tooth extraction emergency dental care aesthetic filling X-ray diagnostics professional oral hygiene endodontic treatment children's dentistry...
Kristadenta, odontologijos klinika
4.2 km | Nemenčinės pl. 1C, Vilnius
dental clinic dentists in Vilnius odontologist dentistry implantation implantation dental implants prosthetics dentures prosthetic dentistry metal-free ceramics zirconia ceramics zirconia crowns periodontitis treatment endodontics endodontist...
Videnta, UAB
4.6 km | Fabijoniškių g. 95 (Fabijoniškės), Vilnius
dentists dentistry dentists dentistry dental office dentistry prosthetic dentistry surgical dental treatment teeth whitening tooth extraction emergency dental care aesthetic filling X-ray diagnostics professional oral hygiene endodontic treatment children's dentistry...
Šeimos odontologijos klinika, filialas, UAB
4.7 km | Fabijoniškių g. 94 (Fabijoniškės), Vilnius
dentistry odontologist dentist dentists in Vilnius dentists children's dentistry aesthetic filling surgical procedures oral hygiene dental clinic dental clinic in Vilnius prosthetics teeth repair prosthetic dentistry teeth whitening dental filling...
Riešuto odontologijos klinika, UAB
4.8 km | L. Asanavičiūtės g. 13A-40 (Karoliniškės), Vilnius
orthodontics oral hygiene STRAUMANN implants surgery odontologist dentis's clinics dental implantation dental implants prosthetics prosthetic dentistry endodontic therapy dental surgery children's dentistry professional oral hygiene