List of companies

Prie Luksto, viešbutis-kavinė, UAB

Mažeikių g. 17, 87101 Telšiai
(+370) 44454789
26 years of activity
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(+370) 44454789
Algimantas Ubartas
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Date of registration
38 employees (insured)
Average wage
1286.14 € (2024 May) more information
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Surrounding companies | Show on map

Branša, motelis
1.5 km | Šiaulių pl. 1, Gaudikaičių k., Telšių r.
cafe nutrition motel bar conference hall dinner plat du jour nutrition funeral dinner bed accommodation sauna rent of steamhouse food to the office homeward food rent of banquet hall...
Buožinta, UAB
5.2 km | Mokyklos g. 2, Buožėnai, Telšių r.
cafe fests funeral dinner plat du jour dinner banquets receptions banquet preparation buffet preparation party organization rest cafe restaurant bar business dinner nutrition...
Dauba, sodyba
10.3 km | Šaltinėlio g. 9, Kveilių k., Telšių r.
homstead rent of homstead rent of homesteads rural homstead rural tourism banquet hall rent of hall for wedding ballroom sodyba šventėms rent of banquet hall rent of steamhouse Turkish bath/Hamam a steam bath spa procedures Jacuzzi bedrooms...
Alda silver, UAB
27.4 km | Dariaus ir Girėno g. 10, Plungė
cosmetics perfume rings gifts jewelry bijouterie watches frames sun protection headscarf plugs perfumery wedding Rings Pictures hotel accommodation...
Oginski hotel, UAB "Alda silver"
27.4 km | Dariaus ir Girėno g. 10, Plungė
hotel accommodation rooms Conference banquets receptions conference hall presentations trainings banquets hotel luxe double rooms double conference hall ballroom
V. Stuobrienės apgyvendinimo namai
27.8 km | Lankos g. 31/ Laisvės g. 49, Plungė
Stuobriene House provides self-catering accommodation service for workers. We can accommodate up to 90 people. All...
Etmė, UAB
28.4 km | Stoties g. 5A, Plungė
rent of premises employers' accommodation workers' accommodation
Vila Kalniškiai, kaimo turizmo sodyba
30.4 km | Kalniškių kelio g. 57, Kalniškiai, Plungės r.
banquet preparation modern homestead organization of events homstead sodyba šventėms homstead for wedding place for wedding rural homstead banquet hall rural tourism a steam bath sauna bath whirlpool bath pool banquet halls...
Viliošiai, kavinė-sodyba
33.5 km | Viliošių k., Akmenės r.
banquet hall conference hall homstead for wedding homstead for birthdays sodyba šventėms homstead rural homstead farmstead beautiful homestead big homestead homsteads rent of homstead rent of rural tourism homestead farmstead holiday banquet hall...
Valina, A. Gromakovos IĮ
34 km | Draugystės g. 18, Mažeikiai
hotel accommodation services accommodation rent of a room bed cafe breakfast funeral dinner banquet hall conference hall hotel double rooms single rooms car parking place wireless Internet
Rugelis, viešbutis
34.6 km | Ventos g. 31A, Mažeikiai
hotel hotels Rugelis bed cafes rent of hall for wedding rent of banquet hall hall rental ballroom banquet hall rent of steamhouse Russian steamhouse Finnish sauna
Vila Šerkšnė
36 km | Skuodo g. 88, Bugenių k., Mažeikių r.
accommodation services accommodation employers' accommodation rural tourism rural homstead accommodation rent of rooms Conference bed accommodation in Mažeikiai rooms rent of rooms bed bath tub
Jūra, kavinė, B. Ruškienės GKĮ
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Svajonių levanda, svečių namai
46.4 km | Skuodo g. 10, Mosėdis, Skuodo r.
rent of homstead rent of premises recreation center ballroom for weddings for christenings for conferences rural tourism hotels rent of rooms double rooms four-bed rooms balls swings
Vyšnių dvaras
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Conference seminars conference hall banquets wedding Events groups of tourists bar outside terrace nutrition of events organization of conferences hotels hotel guesthouse hostels...